Monday, February 1, 2010

My Crazy Artist

He looks so innocent, doesn't he? You'll notice the red and blue on his cheek. . . not so innocent! Ben is at this stage where he just wants to do whatever a Big Person is doing. Sometimes this is really cute and helpful--like when he vacuums under the table after dinner or walks around the house dusting. Not all of his attempts at being older than his almost two years are so harmless though.

One of his favorite sources of mischief are writing utensils. Every day Ben spends time in his room playing by himself. Last week, when I went to check on him (it was a little too quiet in there), I discovered that somehow he had manuevered a chair in such a way as to reach Gavin's markers. Upon acquiring his prize, he went to town--coloring every surface imaginable in his room, and on his body.

He decorated the floor, the furniture, his quilt, the table, his clothes. . . you name it. He was so proud of himself! I was so shocked I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Thankfully, as a seasoned Mom, I only allow washable markers in the house. So, it took a little elbow grease to erase his artwork, but eventually all returned to normal.

I did have to take a few pictures of his tattoo work though. Colorful, don't you think?

This little guy is such a curious, smart, ordered and happy toddler. And active. Incredibly active. When he is awake, I get very little else done other than chasing him around, keeping him out of disaster and bodily harm. I know this season won't last forever, and there will be a time I will look back and miss it. For now, however, I am just trying to survive!

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