Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Italian Super Bowl

As I posted on Facebook, Super Bowl Sunday has to be one of the hardest days to be overseas. Especially this year! Watching the Super Bowl, while eating every possible form of junk food available, is just so. . . American! And though we can stream the game live through our computers, it doesn't come on until midnight in Italy. And whether we go to bed at 10pm or 4am, our kids will be getting up bright and early on Monday morning to head to school.

Last year, our first Super Bowl away, it wasn't a hard decision. We had absolutely no interest in either team. This year is a completely different story! We could only be more torn if the Texans were playing. (Actually, that would be a no-brainer--we'd up at any hour).

All last week, we debated what to do. . . do we watch it or do we not? Do we tape it and watch it later? Do we pretend we really don't care and just go to bed, trying to forget it's Super Bowl Sunday? Alas, we could not help ourselves. So, at 10pm, we turned on the SlingBox to watch the pre-game festivities. We gave nachos our best attempt and rewarmed our chicken wings, which were really just chicken legs.

It was awesome! We kind of forgot we were in Italy for a while. We haven't really watched American TV for almost a year and half, so watching the commercials felt like a crash course in catching up with the current American culture. It was weird to feel so out of the loop. If not Texans's fans, we usually root for the Colts. But Drew Brees and the Saints offered such a good story, we were just as happy for them to finally win the Trophy.

Unfortunately, 7am came just as expected this morning, and wow, are we feeling it! When Cody took the kids to school this morning, one of the other dads asked how he was, and he said he was pretty tired. "Ah! I know why this is! Your Super Bowl was on last night!" Got to love it!

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