Friday, January 29, 2010

The Big Cut

I know, I have not posted for a week and half! I am back into "normal" life now though, so keep watching on Mondays. :)

I had to post pictures today of the big event that happened yesterday. After two years of Hannah adamently not wanting to even trim her hair, she came home on Wednesday and said, "I want to cut my hair. . . really short. Right now."
The Before Shot
She can be a pretty spontaneous decision maker, so I told her she had to wait at least a day, so that she didn't make a decision she would regret. She's also a stubborn decision maker, so last night we made the big cut. Mom actually made that first cut a wee-bit shorter than first intended, but in the end, all turned out well.

Who knows what inspired this major life change, but she loves it. She does look super cute! We put the chopped off locks in a ponytail and will send them into Locks of Love, which made Dad feel a little better about such a major change. He's kind of partial to longer hair. As is Gavin. Try as he might, he just couldn't fake that he was devastated Hannah's hair was gone.

Cute, cute, cute!
Just after Hannah's birthday this year, Cody said, "So, I guess she's becoming a Tween." Yep, she is. It's fun to see her becoming more and more who God made her to be. Sometimes that can be more challenging for us than at other times! Though just a haircut, this was a great example of who Hannah is--risky, bold, determined and sassy. Che bella!

1 comment:

Crystal Waters said...

Tell Hannah I think it looks wonderful!