Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Won't Let Go

There have been times since we've been back that I've looked around at the parents we've met, the neighbors who walk by us every day, the guy who sells me cucumbers and my heart aches.  Never in my life have I been so gripped.  This country, and these people, have become such a part of our lives that I can not possibly imagine not interacting with them on a daily basis.

I was on the bus the other day headed into town.  There was an older couple who got on the bus not long after I did.  And when I say older, I mean OLDER.  They were precious.  Older Italians always dress up.  The woman was wearing a skirt with the signature black heeled comfort shoes every woman over 70 wears.  She had on her long dress coat, hat and scarf.  The husband had on nice trousers with his long dress coat and hat.  The woman stepped on and then reached down to help the man on.  They stood right by the door for the two stops they were on, and she kept her hand on his elbow the whole time, helping him to balance.  When they got off, ever so slowly, they began walking arm in arm down the street.  Never was a word spoken.

Immediately I thought, "I wonder what their lives have been like?"  They definitely lived through the war that occupied their country.  What was it like for them?  How did the husband provide for his family?  How did they fall in love?  What have they done to stay in love?  Do they go to Mass daily?  Do they know how much the God of the Universe wants to speak to their hearts?  Have they ever known the incredible riches of Divine Grace?

We are surrounded by people with the same stories, the same experiences, the same lack of opportunity ever to hear the gospel.  My heart can't hold the compassion I feel and the desire I have to make sure they know how much Jesus wants to know them.

We don't know how long God wants us to stay in Italy.  We are more confident than ever it is for the long-haul.  He has provided so much for us.  He continues to take us deeper and deeper into the people and the culture.  But even without having an anticipated time frame, it feels like my heart will be ripped out when we have to leave.  God has permanently written this country on my heart.

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