Saturday, April 10, 2010

A New Rythym

Menton, France
I have never really thought much about vacations before. Every summer growing up we would take a family vacation, and I have years of great memories. But Cody and I took one "real" vacation in the first nine years of our marriage. Because we travel so much for our job, and because we're missionaries and don't make much, vacations just didn't seem "necessary."

And then we moved overseas.
I know what you're thinking, "Yea, you have so many great places to go visit now." Though that is true, and we love learning about the incredible history and culture that surrounds us, that is actually one of the very last motivators for us. The bottom line is, we just plain NEED vacations on a regular basis. Not week-long vacations, just little getaways and respites from the stress of life here.

It is shocking to us--SHOCKING--how exhausted we become in just doing life. Part, I think, is just due to all of the cultural and language stresses we face all day, every day. Part is also the extra emotional and physical energy required for almost any task. Accomplishing even menial tasks here are never "easy." But part of the exhaustion also comes from the isolation we are in. We have several really good Italian and ex-pat friends, whom we really enjoy hanging out with, but it is different than hanging out with friends who really know us well and speak encouragement to our hearts.

Our kids don't get a Spring Break, they get an Easter Break. They have the Thursday before Easter through the Tuesday following Easter off from school. So this year we spent five days in Menton, France. It is literally 2km across the French border (about 5 hours from here), so it looks like France but everyone still speaks Italian. I found a little apartment we were able to rent for next to nothing since it was low season. It is on the French Riviera, right next to Monaco. It was beautiful! Incredible!

Parks! Parks! Parks! We found them all. We spent as much time outside as we could, now that the cold and snowy winter is FINALLY over.

Since we really just needed to relax, we spent a lot of time finally enjoying some sun and playing outside. The kids had a blast enjoying the beach, and Cody and I enjoyed the simplicity of walking around the quaint little town, cooking French cuisine at the apartment and savoring some down-time. It fed our souls!

Dad, teaching the kids how to skip rocks. It quickly devolved into just throwing rocks into the water, but the kids still had a great time.

As our time in Menton came to a close, I realized just how much I had needed a little time away. Our lives look so different here than they ever looked while living in the States! I think one of those differences is prioritizing some regular getaways. If we are going to be here long-term and thrive, we have to build in time for refreshment. That just doesn't happen in our current environment in Bologna.

The water color was the most perfect blue

So maybe I am learning a new rythym to life. Work hard. Pray hard. Trust hard. And then relax and refill.

And it doesn't hurt that in this season of life we get to refill on the coast of the French Riviera. Never in a million years would I have thought this would be my life.

This was the quaint little street our apartment was on. Rue Longue.

Gavin could play on a beach for days--no matter what the temperature was. These clothes were soaked within 15 minutes.

This was actually in Nice, which was only 20 minutes away. It was nice, but we liked the smaller Menton better.

1 comment:

Kara said...

It brings tears to my eyes to read about your wonderful restful vacation! I have to admit I'm jealous, of both the time away, and your proximity to cheap and beautiful places! But I'm so glad that you recognize the need to rest, and your whole family is enjoying the adventure.