Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grandma's Visit

I'm sorry for the last posting this week.  My mom came for a visit.  What a very normal American thing to have happen!  Something that only happened occasionally and with much planning and fanfare in Italy. . . It was a simply delightful pleasure.  Though a certain three-year-old was somewhat bewildered and devastated that Papa (who was hunting with his brothers in South Dakota) didn't come too!

One of the very hardest things about being in Italy was being so far away from grandparents.  We value them and their role in our kids' lives so much.  Now that we're only one time zone away, instead of seven, we hope to make up for lost time. Grandma and Papa Simmons will be coming back for Christmas and Grandma Phipps will be coming at the end of December for Hannah's birthday.

All of us are treasuring this specific blessing of being back in America.  We treasure it even more, perhaps, since we didn't know it for such a season.

It was a great week.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It's so true how valuable those grandparent relationships are, especially after being far away. Our children have really enjoyed living closer to their grandparents since our return to the US, too. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess.