Monday, May 30, 2011

So Lovely

We had another full weekend, filled with those most dear.

Last week 17 students from the States arrived to spend five weeks engaging students about the gospel.  We love the energy these students bring and rejoice in what God always does through their time here--and in them.  Saturday morning Cody spent some time talking to them about what evangelism looks like in Italy.  He is so good at that.

That night we had dinner with friends and then on Sunday we went over to some others friends' home to celebrate a birthday.  The weather was perfect, and we savored time to just sit and be.

The whole weekend was delightful, but one thing stood out to me, as my kids ran and played and talked and shared.  Hannah is growing up!  She is becoming such a lovely young girl--inside and out.

This morning, I just wanted to celebrate her beauty.  And give thanks that I get to be her mom and watch her grow up.

Evidence #1 that she is growing up is the control she now exerts over her hair.  She is serious about having those bangs and wanting to grow her hair long again!  She also loves that she can put it in a ponytail by herself now.


And always overflowing with personality!

For some reason, Hannah and Cody got into a fierce tickle torture war this weekend.  Her giggle was so contagious!  Her fun spirit overflows with joy.

Our baby girl isn't exactly a baby anymore.  We're entering a whole new phase of parenthood, but it is deeply good.

1 comment:

Thirza Ritter said...

Beautiful girl - she looks so much like you Jen!