Monday, April 18, 2011

Open for Business

About once a month, the Phipps Barbershop opens for business.  With three boys in the house, hair cuts need to happen frequently. I began cutting the boys' hair because when we first moved, we didn't know enough Italian to feel very confident going to get hair cut professionally.

And then when we went, we realized it wasn't going to be an affordable option anyway.  The cheapest haircut Cody could find was 20 Euro.  That's about $27.  And his hair needs to be cut at least every four weeks.  I was also shocked when I took Gavin to get his first haircut and found the price for kids was the same as for adults.  Gavin has some good hair, but it's not worth a $27 cut!

So we invested in some clippers, and I became a barber.

This is Gavin just before the "summer cut."  I think he's so handsome with a little bit of a longer cut, but he HATES sitting for as long as it takes me to make it look right.  So he loves when it gets warm enough to buzz it.  Yesterday was the day this year.

I have no technique.  I feel like every time I cut their hair, I make it up.

When we were back in the States on furlough, I told Cody I wanted a break from my barber responsibilities.  He went to Sports Clips a few times and fired them.  Now that I've been cutting it for almost three years, I know how exactly what he wants.  My self-taught technique seems to be working!

Ben's hair has been the biggest challenge.  Not because of his hair but because of how much he moves.  Thankfully it does grow a little slower, so this week it just got a little trim behind the ears.  Too fast to get a pic of!  

Such handsome guys!  Not bad cuts, if I do say so myself.  Especially for the price. :)

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