Monday, May 3, 2010

Refreshment. . .

We just returned from our Spring Staff Conference, and we are feeling more significantly refreshed than we have in months. It was medicine for the soul! We have written before how key these conferences are for our morale, and this one was no different.
Twice a year, all of the Agape Italia staff (Italians and Americans) gather to hear from our leadership, talk with each other about what's working and not working across the country, and hear teaching from the Word to encourage us in the battle. We also get to just hang out with each other. This is especially encouraging for our kids, who for a few days twice a year, get to be with other kids who speak their native language and understand exactly how crazy their lives are. Hannah and Gavin literally played until they dropped for three days straight.
Our Spring Conference is held at a conference center on the Mediterranean side of Italy in a little town just south of Livorno. It was about three hours from Bologna. Every afternoon we had free time to play and catch up with staff friends who live in other parts of the country. After such a LONG winter, we savored every minute of sunshine.
This was Ben's first time to play in a pool, and though it took a little time to warm up to, he had a blast! It was so great to be able to splash all he wanted without Mom telling him not to make a mess. . .

We also savored great uniterrupted time with friends. It was so living-giving! Throughout the year, we miss the opportunity to sit for hours with friends who are in a similar season (i.e. a large, young family) and talk about living life in a foreign country. It was such a place of rest for us. We also had great conversations with other staff about things they are doing to help Italians grasp the gospel and the incredible grace God is offering them. As we enter into the busiest two months of the year, we are newly energized with some great reminders and new ideas.
More than anything else (and there was a lot!), we are so thankful to be returning to Bologna with a new spring in our step. We needed this kind of refreshment. We needed to get a boost of emotional and spritual energy before the wrapping up the school year with the Summer Project coming and then facing several months of ambiguity, as we work on developing the support we need to cover our new tax needs. We are so, so thankful.
And the kids are already asking when we're going to back to "the beach." They don't mean just any beach. . . they mean the beach where they get to be with their American friends. What a sweet gift that is.

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