Monday, December 19, 2011

Childhood Memories Relived

I remember my very first trip to Disney World.  I was probably seven years old.  At the time, there was only the Magic Kingdom.  Epcot was being built and Hollywood Studios and the Animal Kingdom were not even dreams yet.

What do I remember most?  The Electrical Light Parade.  Could there by anything more magical than Cinderella riding in a carriage of lights?  I remember it being so incredible that my dad bought slides (does anyone remember slides?) so we could relive it over and over in our living room.

Thirty years later, I shared the experience with my own kids.  It was just as magical as it was the first time.

One of the benefits of the internship we're doing is that we were given season passes to Disney World.  Up to this point we've only gone during the day.  But a couple of weeks ago I took Hannah and Gavin, and we stayed until the lights started rolling down Main Street.  Honestly, it was even better than I remembered it. :)

Reliving your own childhood memories with your children has to be one of the most fun things about parenthood.  Seeing the pure delight and wonder on the kids' faces was even more magical than the lights.  I loved every minute of it, even thirty years later.

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