Monday, July 11, 2011

The Truth

OK, truthfully, it is so hot in our apartment that we can barely breath.  I mean really, really hot.  We sweat from the time we get up to the time we go to bed.  It's ugly.

But tomorrow is vacation!  And Paris is only 70 degrees instead of 95.

It was my greatest intention to post an update before leaving, but I move much, much slower in said heat.  I think we're barely going to make it out the door.

So this is it from Italy.  Those words are still shocking to me.  God has been so good to us over the past three years, even though it has felt excruciating with every step.  When next I write (sometime in August), we'll be in Orlando.  I look forward to sharing more of the beautiful footprint God has left because of our time in Bologna.

So Ciao for now.  Hope you're enjoying lots of air conditioning.  More from the other side. . .

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