Monday, June 27, 2011

Full Hearts

One of the things we have been praying ever since we found out we were moving back is that we would experience great closure with the friends we have made here.  We've prayed that for us and for the kids.  God has met us beautifully in that prayer.

Last week Hannah had her Goodbye Party, and it was everything she wanted it to be.  She had such a great time having her friends in her home.  They ate, giggled, danced, sang, made bracelets, took pictures and loved on each other.  It was such a sweet gift.  Here are some pictures:

When each girl left, Hannah gave them a necklace with a note sharing about the importance of her faith in her life.  The girls cherished them!  We are praying God will continue to use those gifts to soften their hearts to hearing the gospel.  And we are praying God will give them many opportunities to respond.  We could not have asked for a better good-bye.

God has also given Cody and I numerous opportunities to be with the friends we are going to dearly miss.  Our lives feel so crazy, and yet, He is giving us exactly what we most want.

AND!!! Our closest Italian friends have already booked tickets to come see us at Christmas!  We are so, so thankful for God's grace in allowing us to remain involved in the lives of these friends who have become so dear and who we long will one day experience faith in Christ.

Last, but not least, life continues to spin around us, despite all the chaos our move has added.  Yesterday, Gavin lost his second front tooth.  I always feel like that is THE marker that they are now "Big Kids."  They just don't look the same with adult teeth.  My precious little guy is really growing up.  He is such a joy with such a tender heart.

So I celebrate his precious life with his beautiful, toothless picture. :)

1 comment:

Kara said...

Wow, I just caught up on your blog--missed four posts and a big transition! Will we see you in Ft Collins?