Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ben's Birthday on the Rails

Admittedly, this is more of a post for the grandparents. . . our Little B turned three on Sunday! And what did he want to do more than anything else?  Ride trains.  He is just a little bit obsessed. :)

The day started with Ben's requested breakfast of waffles.  They were YUMMY!

So that is what we did.  After church, we headed to the train station and hopped on a regional train to Ferrara.  The actually trip was only 31 minutes each way, but it was 31 minutes of shear delight.  It's hard to know what he enjoyed more--riding the train or just sitting and watching the trains come through the station.  He could have done it all day.

We had to hurry to the train station after church to catch our departure, so we enjoyed a little PB&J en route

In the middle of our journey, we spent an hour hanging out at the Ferrara train station watching trains.  The little outdoor cafe was the perfect spot.

Practicing his "3"

When we arrived back in Bologna, we went back home to enjoy our traditional birthday meal of homemade fried chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese.  Ben's friend, Ruby, also came over to help him enjoy birthday cake.  It was a perfect day for our little guy!

Of course, he had to have a train cake!

Sweet Ruby, giving Ben birthday loves

This was a big step after last year's birthday when he was afraid of the candles and refused to eat any of his cake!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jen for a very special blog!! GmaP

Matt and Ashley Walton said...

How precious is that? I love the train cake...so cute!