Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Joy of Worship

So my mom hates when I post entries without pictures.  I can understand that.  We just happen to be in a season when I don't have a lot of pictures that correlate with what I'm blogging about.  But, in an effort to keep my mom reading, at the end of the post, I have a few pictures from Halloween.  The kids had such a good time with this American tradition.  Enjoy!

Perhaps THE thing I miss most while we are in Italy is worshiping in English.  I don't think I have ever longed to worship--just to acknowledge and praise God for who He is--as much as I have in the past two years.  In the midst of all the craziness and challenges we've faced, simply looking at God and acknowledging His goodness and sovereignty and His heart and vision for Italians (and the world) is the only thing that calms my heart.

God's Word has literally nourished my soul.  I have craved any worship music I can get my hands on.

So the greatest highlight of my time back has been going to church every Sunday.  I have savored every minute.  Since we are living with my parents in Ft. Worth, we had to find a new church to get plugged in to during our furlough.  We jumped in to a church close by who partners with Agape Italia, and it has been such an incredible blessing.  The kids have loved it too!  They love going to church, and they love AWANA.

As I have been savoring my time worshiping among a Body of Christ who speaks my native tongue, I came across a quote from Beth Moore quoting Eugene Peterson that so beautifully captures how I have felt.  I hope you are encouraged, as you read it.  I hope it causes you to throw yourself deeper into the worship of our MOST WORTHY God.  And when you have the chance to be with believers worshiping together, you can remember how much I long for the same.  And rejoice in the opportunity you have.
Worship has endless side effects in the life of the everyday psalmist.  Among them, it exalts God to the highest place, thereby relieving the sojourner of the backbreaking burden of ego.  It defeats our enemy.  It answers grace with gratitude.  And it ends in joy.  "God is a personal reality to be enjoyed.  We are so created and so redeemed that we are capable of enjoying him.  All the movements of discipleship arrive at a place where joy is experienced.  Every step of ascent toward God develops the capacity to enjoy.  Not only is there, increasingly, more to be enjoyed, there is steadily the acquired ability to enjoy it.  Best of all, we don't have to wait until we get to the end of the road before we enjoy what is at the end of the road."

And now, the random pictures. . . (love you Mom!)

Our little Puppy, Indiana Jones and Hannah Montana

This was Ben's first Halloween, and he was so shocked people were giving him and candy (and Mom wasn't taking it away) that he hardly knew what to do with himself.

Cody's most excellently carved pumpkins

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