Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gelato Season is Here!

Cody and I have said that after last summer we both suffer from a little "Post Traumatic Summer Heat Disorder." Knowing that the heat is on its way is enough to send us both into a little bit of a panic.
It's definitely warming up. The past few days have been in the upper 90's, and we finally rolled out our portable air conditioner to set up in the living room during the heat of the day. The one perk (and we're really stretching to see a bright side!) is that when the heat comes, gelato is no longer a special treat but a neccessity.
This was the first time we let Ben have his very own cup. He did really well and was only slightly sticky for the bus ride home.
Italians know how to do gelato well, and they optimize it for summer cool-downs. Gelato is more dense and less creamy than ice cream, so it isn't nearly as heavy. And there are usually more fruit/sorbet flavors offerred than any other kind. The average serving size is probably less than a 1/2 C. It's just a bite of cold. That's really, really yummy.

Conveniently, there is a really good gelato stand on the way home from the kids' school. Since we have to pick the kids up at 4:30 in the afternoon, it often takes all we have to gear up for the walk. Knowing there is a little treat to look forward to somehow makes it a little more bearable.
The kids celebrate in April when the gelato stands open, and so do we. They are kind of like coffee bars--the commraderie of trying to survive the heat brings you together somehow. And it's a sad sight when they close up shop in the Fall. But for now we are enjoying the gelato season in full swing!

1 comment:

kcknoles said...

I remember that from living in Hungary...all of the ice cream stands turned into pizza stands in the fall...a sad day. Hungarians thought you would get sick if you ate ice cream when it wasn't hot outside. Of course, their version of gelato was nothing like the Italian version!! Do they have cinnamon gelato in Italy? That was one of my favorite flavors in Hungary, but I don't remember having it when I was living in Italy. Enjoy!!