Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Life Lesson

This morning I sat down for a quiet time feeling that even though I had been spending regular time with the Lord, I have been distracted for the past several weeks. It was one of those times when I just had to say, "What should I read this morning? I'm not really feeling led to anything. . ." I picked up where I left off in my study of Matthew. I was at Matthew 7:24-29 and the story of the man who builds his house on the rock.

As I read it, I began to see it was the very picture of the life lesson we've been experiencing over the past few months. Jesus says, "Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, and the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." Over the past eleven months, God has been allowing us to live in almost constant view of the spiritual world. He has shown us the realities of what He is doing--how He is ushering in His Kingdom and how worthy His name is for all glory and honor. I have been craving praise and worship music because of my overwhelming need to ascribe glory and honor to our God.

As I read this passage in Matthew, I think that it does mean we need to obey God's commands for us. But the deeper underlying issue, as it is throughout Scripture, is faith. We need to take God at His Word. We need to believe Him. Belief goes so much farther beyond just doing as God has commanded. It involves trusting that God is also going to do as He said He would. He does protect us. He does provide for us. He does guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. He calms my anxious heart, strengthens my weary soul. He is JOY. The security of the truth of who God is and the peace He offers believers is truly one that reaches beyond the understanding of anyone who has not personally experienced it.

And as the rain has come, as the streams have risen, as we have felt the power of the wind blowing and beating against us, our house has not fallen. Our foundation has not moved. We have felt so beat up in the past two months. Discouragement beyond anything we have ever experienced. But we are continuing to stand. The words of God proved themselves true in us. We survive the storm because of the Rock that is our foundation.

I also see the reality of the foolish man too. Our hearts have been so burdened for so many friends we have seen building their houses on foundations of self-reliance--even believing friends. As the sand begins to sink, the pressure on the house only grows stronger. The house can stand for awhile, but eventually, the strain becomes too much, and the house crumbles. How much we want to be encouraging others in belief! How much we want to shout from the rooftops "Worthy is the One whose hands made it all!"

The Lord sent deep encouragement this morning. Encouragement, again, that His Word is true. If you believe Him at His Word, it always works out as He has said. Encouragement, as well, that as trying as life in Italy can feel sometimes, we will come out standing. We will make it. And of even greater encouragement, the gospel will go forth. The name of Jesus will be honored in this land.

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