Monday, February 9, 2009

Prayer for Our Pastor

The reason Campus Crusade has staff in Bologna is because of a missionary pastor here named Andy Brucato. Andy and his family (his wife and four sons) moved to Bologna 20 years ago to plant a church. It is one of very few healthy, solid evangelical churches in Italy and Andy is a cornerstone of the evangelical world here. Several years ago he contacted Campus Crusade with the vision of working together to reach the college students of Bologna. The vision he cast and the idea of partnering with a church was all our leadership needed to start moving in the direction of placing full-time staff here. This church (and Andy) has prayed for laborers to be sent to Bologna for years. We are the answer to many of their prayers. Andy and his wife, Linda, are incredible examples of believers walking closely with the Lord and seeing amazing things happen.

Last June Andy and Linda, went back to the States for a furlough. When we first arrived in Bologna, it was their apartment that we stayed in until we found our own place and our belongings arrived. They got back to Bologna two weeks ago. Andy is 59 years old and is in great shape. Last Wednesday, however, he suffered a massive stroke. Linda was out of town when it happened, and he lay for 9 hours before firemen broke in his apartment to find him. It is a miracle he is alive.

Would you please join us in praying for this dear brother? God has used him mightily for His glory in Bologna and Italy. We believe He still has plans for Andy to accomplish! Pray for God to be glorified in every way through these hard-to-understand circumstances. Below is a portion of an e-mail Linda sent out that communicates incredibly the beauty of their faith.

"We have not experienced moments of overwhelming fear or sorrow. We feel completely at peace; truly that supernatural peace that "passes all understanding". This morning Andy told me how he passed those hours on the floor of the bathroom- reciting scripture, in particular Isaiah 41:10 "Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Andy said he was never afraid.

This morning in my devotions I was in Luke 5- the story about the paralytic whose friends carried him up on the roof to get him to Jesus. When Jesus saw the faith of the friends He said, "Your sins are forgiven". I've read that passage a thousand times but today I saw it in a new way- from Jesus' eyes. These friends would stop at nothing to get their friend healed. No obstacle was going to stand in their way. Whatever it took. Jesus, seeing that kind of determination, gives them something greater than what they wanted. They would have been satisfied with physical healing, but their friend would have eventually died someday anyway. Jesus gave him what he really needed- spiritual healing so that he would live forever, and then he gave them the lesser gift as well, physical healing.

As Andy lies paralyzed in bed we would be tempted to settle for a lesser blessing- physical healing- but what we both want is a greater blessing- we want others, in particular Andy's brother and family members to have their sins forgiven. The beauty is that our God is able to give both, the greater and the lesser!! Would you pray with us that the Father would use this event in the life of Andy's family for their salvation, and for the salvation of Italians?"

Doctors have determined the stroke was caused by a blockage of an artery that will have to be operated on when his condition improves a little. They are hoping to do that within the next couple of weeks. Until that time, there is still a chance of another stroke occurring. You can pray specifically for that, as well.

The Body of Christ is a beautiful thing. Thanks for praying for this incredible man of Faith. He has been integral in what God has done in Bologna in the past 20 years, and what we believe He is going to do in the future. We will keep you updated

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