Sunday, June 29, 2008

Training. . .

Yes, that is our little padawon, Gavin, lightsaber-to-lightsaber with Darth Vader. This year Disney's theme at their parks is "Year of a Million Dreams." On Father's Day, we went to DisneyWorld and made two of those dreams come true--it was perhaps an even bigger dream come true for Daddy than for Gavin. Gavin was chosen to participate in the Jedi Training Academy, at the end of which he got to fight Darth Vader himself. Wow! It will probably always be on Daddy's all-time most incredible memories list.

If only we had the time to update our blog as quickly as life is happening! We really felt like once we left for X-Track, things would slow down. On one hand, we are so thankful to be past the chaos of the past several months. We are so thankful (SO thankful!) that our house is sold, our belongings are packed, and for better or worse, we've sorted through what is going with us and what is not. We are glad that phase of this process is over. X-Track has been exhausting in and of itself.

The training we have been receiving has been incredible. We have been challenged so much in thinking through not only how to minister more effectively to Italians but how to thrive in our new culture. We have learned tons that is going to save us learning a lot of lessons the hard way. And we've received some great guidance in coming up with proactive plans for not only surviving but thriving. We're leaving with an Education Plan for the kids. And a Language plan for us. And minds filled with cultural adjustments in what could help Italians better understand the personal relationship Jesus wants to have with them.

Though we feel pushed to the limit in terms of what we can process, we feel like God is being so active in our lives. He is shaping and molding us in so many ways. We are so glad for it though! We feel so incredibly inadequate for what He has called us to. We are trying to soak up as much as we can from this time.
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Kara said...

I've enjoyed catching up with you through your blog. And I feel so much of what you're going through! Three kids... Saying goodbye and moving to a new country... it sounds like us last year! I can't imagine how hard it was for you to say goodbye, since it was hard for us after only 1 1/2 years back in Colorado.

God has been very faithful and good to us in our transition. (Surprise? Of course not!) But it truly has been a chance to walk by faith in a deeper way. I pray that you'll walk in His joy and strength.

Enjoy x-track, and I'll be checking in to see how you're doing in Italy. (It's my favorite place to visit...)

In Christ

John Clinton Woods said...

I just subscribed to your blog so I'll be able to stay up to date better. It was so cool to hang out with you all in Houston in May and hear more about what God was doing. Jess and I are continuing to pray for your last few weeks in the US - for God's protection and provision. We love you guys!